April @outshine prose poems—humourous

April 4:

At 97, Grandma got a time machine and started meeting her descendants. Last I heard, she had hugged twenty generations and was still going.

[Bio] Amanda Davis denies everything but regrets nothing. She blogs at http://tinyurl.com/ddvpvj .

April 11:

We shrugged Atlas off our backs early in the tech spike. Disappointedly, nothing much changed, except, well, all the bag ladies disappeared.

[Bio] meika lives in Tasmania and no longer writes for humans. twitter.com/meika .

April 18:

One night at the nude colony,
The moon rose celestially.
With no clothes to stifle
I transformed in a trifle
To eat snacks, packaging-free

[Bio] Writer-mommy-doctor who loves artists & underdogs: melissayuaninnes.net .

April 25:

“I told you it had some design flaws,” Audrey sighed as the city turned upside down and sank, shining, car horns blaring, into the sea.

[Bio] Paula R. Stiles, at: http://is.gd/kLAu, has sold SF, fantasy and horror stories to Strange Horizons, Jim Baen’s, Futures and others.

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